Friday December 18th, Sara and Elyja came down to Portland. I was home waiting for mom to come back with my car. Hers was in the shop, so she took mine for the day. About 4 pm I heard what I thought was the cats up on the table. I got up to go and yell at them, when I walked into the dining room - I saw it. It was on a storage shelf. I screamed. The rat was up on the 2nd from top shelf. It froze. I panicked. Called mom to ask her how far she was. I cried. Yup not afraid to admit it. The stupid thing freaked me out! Again, I really, really hate rodents!
I sat in the living room watching the rat. I didn't want to lose sight of him. Because then if it moved I would not know where it was. Better to know where it is.
Mom, Sara (sister-in-law) and Elyja(nephew) came home. Rat still sat on the shelf.
Around 9 pm, Fred (my sister's husband) brought Sam (my other nephew) over. Fred was going to get the rat. He took a little rake, and a cane, and made a swipe at the rat, the rat ran to the hall. Fred had it trapped by the bathroom door. He was just about to step on the rat, when the bathroom door opened. Sara had gone in to take a shower. She heard the noise in the front room, thought it was Elyja getting wild. She didn't know Fred was there.
So... Sara opened the door to find a rat running in, and Fred running in after it. Thank god she at least how a towel around her. Sara left Fred and rat in the bathroom. The rat escaped through the false front between the wall and the vanity. If you well under neath the false front, you will find a hole. The rat found it.
So at this point we figure the rat is gone. We figure the rat came in because of the cold, and all of that days demo made it come out of the basement. (our basement has a dirt floor)
About 4 am, Sara wakes up in pain. The rat bit her arm while she was sleeping. She got out of the some point we had these sticky rat things... so put those down... The rat came running out of the sewing room (this is were Sara was sleeping on a air mattress), ran right over the sticky things... and right by the cat. Who sat and watched. It ran into the kitchen and under the stove. At that point it had no way to get out. There are no holes in our kitchen walls for rodents to get in - or out. We called Orcan, but 1: it was to early, and 2: they were not open on Saturdays. So then we called dad (Mark).
Dad got there a built this huge rat trap. It was built so that the rat only had one way to escape from under the stove. After it was built, he then sprayed brake line cleaner under the stove to gas the rat out. It worked. By 8am the rat was dead.
Orcan came that Monday. And we have now set up maintenance with them. They will set traps, and come and check it. I think a years worth was set up. Again. I really really hate rodents!
The following pictures are the rat trap.

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